I am a computer scientist with 20+ years of research experience in designing, implementing and managing IT solutions for EU- and state-funded research projects in the areas of e-Health, e-Government and Nutrition Informatics.
My research interests include the applications (and implications) of Computer Science in interdisciplinary spaces, with a particular interest in Classic and Semantic Web Technologies, Sensors, Social Networks and e-Health/e-Government Information Systems (digitisation, provenance, transport, reliability, testing)
I am currently an Associate Professor at the International Hellenic University, teaching Computer science, e-Health & Nutrition Informatics at the School of Health Sciences (Department of Nutritional Sciences & Dietetics). I am also the Technical Coordinator of the e-Government Research Group at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Dpt. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Lab. of Informatics, Comp. Methods and Inf. Sec.).
My work is regularly published and presented in academic as well as enterprise settings. I am a tech enthusiast who enjoys Web/UX Design, (MMO)RPG and Strategy PC Gaming, Home Automation, and mostly anything tech-related.

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR - 2017
"Integrating Social and Hardware Sensors: A Semantic Web framework for Social Sensing environments" ()
Thesis Keywords: Semantic Web, Nutrition Informatics, e-Health, Social Networks

School of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK - 2008

School of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR - 2007